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HomeAfricaFear of the Unknown: A Modern Tragedy or an Ancient Inheritance?

Fear of the Unknown: A Modern Tragedy or an Ancient Inheritance?

The fear of the unknown is not a modern problem. While it may seem more prevalent in today’s rapidly changing world, this fear has been a constant companion to humans throughout history. Our ancestors faced uncertainties related to weather, predators, and the unknown elements of their environment. The modern world, with its complexities and constant flux, simply provides new avenues for this fear to manifest.


Are you afraid without visible reasons?

Are you in constant fear that something bad may happen?


Don’t worry; we inherited this from our ancestors!


Fear of the unknown is an anxiety or dread that arises from uncertainty about what might happen in the future. This fear stems from not knowing or being unable to predict future events, leading to worries about potential dangers or negative outcomes. It can cause people to feel uneasy or stressed, often reaching to the worst-case scenarios. This fear can be triggered by a variety of situations, from personal life changes to global issues. While it is a natural response rooted in our evolutionary past, modern life can amplify it through constant information and high expectations.

The ancient roots of fear of the unknown lie in early human survival instincts. Early humans faced constant threats from predators, rival groups, and natural disasters. To survive, they needed to be perpetually alert and cautious, anticipating potential dangers. This vigilance helped them avoid risks and increase their chances of survival. Over time, these survival mechanisms became deeply embedded in human biology. Our ancestors’ need to predict and prepare for threats shaped our brains to be sensitive to uncertainty. Today, this inherited trait can still trigger anxiety about potential risks, even though the nature of threats has changed.


This constant state of alertness, known as “hyper-vigilance,” helped our ancestors stay safe. Over time, these traits became part of our biology. Even though we are no longer facing the same kinds of dangers, our brains still react to potential threats in a similar way.

The modern lifestyle amplifies fear of the unknown through constant information overload and high expectations. Continuous news updates and social media highlight potential dangers and uncertainties, increasing anxiety. The fast-paced nature of contemporary life and economic pressures also exacerbate worries about future outcomes, making fear more pervasive and intense.

It’s important to recognize that the fear of the unknown is a natural human response to uncertainty. However, when it becomes overwhelming or interferes with daily life, it’s essential to seek support and develop strategies to manage it.


So, is our fear of the unknown purely a modern problem or something we inherited from our ancestors? The answer is likely a mix of both. Modern life, with its uncertainties and constant flow of information, can certainly amplify our fears. At the same time, our ancient survival instincts still play a role in how we react to potential threats.


Overcoming the Fear of the Unknown

The fear of the unknown can be a formidable obstacle, but it’s possible to overcome it. One effective strategy is to break down the unknown into smaller, more manageable parts. By understanding the specific elements that cause anxiety, you can address them individually. Additionally, offering prayers and meditation can help you stay present and reduce rumination on potential negative outcomes. Building resilience through healthy habits like exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient sleep can also equip you to cope with uncertainty. Remember, it’s okay to seek support from friends, family, or professionals if the fear becomes overwhelming.


Suhaib Nadvi

Laahoot Digest
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Ahmad Suhaib Siddiqui Nadvi
Ahmad Suhaib Siddiqui Nadvi
Author & Translator


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