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Islamic Fatwas & Media

Indians enjoy freedom of thought and have rights to practice their favorite religion. This is guaranteed by our constitution since inception. You are free to choose the way you live unless you disturb others. Further choosing the religion, citizens are free to practice the teachings & philosophies of the chosen religion, while not affecting negatively the social harmonious fabric of Indian culture.

We see that some religions provide only basic thoughts and some others provide a bit more explanation for the day to day happenings of life. We also have religions which provide complete way of life, complete guide for this world and also the hereafter. Thus, if you have chosen a religion and your religion provides how to lead life, you are free to follow its teachings.

Coming to the point, Islam provides complete way of life. Islam teaches how to live in this world and how to prepare for the hereafter. Islam provides a comprehensive philosophy of life. It has pillars, upon which the complete structure stands. It has foundations that support its all-comprehensive roof. You cannot remove one pillar and stay safe.

For example; Islam says women should stay at home and take care of the family. For this, it has reasons and understandable supports. In brief, we may note that Islam distributes society into two parts. One is economic life and another is home life. Both are equal in importance. Economic responsibilities have been put upon male members due to their physical toughness, less requirement at home and their natural make-up for this role. While the home responsibilities have been put upon female members due to their physical make-up, more requirements for the children and family and her emotional and polite nature, fit for home life.

This way, Islam creates an equal society; everyone has his/her job assigned to him/her. Islam does not want to increase production madly, making piles of money while the family is broken from within.

Thus, if any Islamic authentic institute issues a fatwa regarding women’s involvement in the economic activities; we should not start making noises immediately. We should first understand the context why they are saying so? Are they following Islamic teachings?

Media Responsibility

The media’s responsibility is that while reporting such fatwas, its reporters should understand the philosophy behind these fatwas and include the same in their news stories. So that reader can make a correct picture of the situation.

We will see one more example. Recently there was a fatwa in the media regarding happening of Talaq even enough uttered kiddingly. Did the reporter try to know why this is so, and if he knew did he mention the philosophy behind this in his story? Islam does not want to make fun of the Institution of Talaq. This is the most unacceptable lawful thing. Islam teaches people to understand the importance and criticality of Talaq and that it is used or uttered only if there is no other way out. Laws are not jokes.

If the Media had included this philosophy while developing the story, it would have given a better picture and we may have avoided ridiculous comments below the article.

Suhaib Nadvi

Ahmad Suhaib Siddiqui Nadvi
Ahmad Suhaib Siddiqui Nadvi
Author & Translator


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